Welcome to Shelter Centrebuilding consensus through collaboration
Collaborate at the Shelter Meetingthe global technical forum for humanitarian practitionersshare good practice, peer review projects, form consensus
Consensus on the Humanitarian Librarythousands of technical resources from hundreds of agenciesshare your knowledge in real time
Capacity building through trainingwith donors, IASC clusters, UN, Red Cross and NGOsfostering new talent through involving young professionals
Sector links presents resources from other agenciesspecialist librariesonline training courses
Shelter Centre supports all stakeholders from all sectors in technical learning through the inclusive Shelter Meeting community of practice, supported by the Humanitarian Library, responding to the transitional settlement and reconstruction following conflict and natural disasters
We support collaboration by offering opportunities for stakeholders to come together to exchange technical knowledge and good practice. Shelter Centre holds biannual Shelter Meetings to discuss future directions and peer review new initiatives.
We support consensus by agreeing and sharing technical good practice. Shelter Centre produces peer-reviewed guidance, in addition to hosting the Humanitarian Library, where users share knowledge in real-time and create collections of content useful to them.
We support capacity by participating in trainings and involving young professionals. Shelter Centre develops and delivers technical trainings, as well as engaging Project Assistants to work on Shelter Meetings, Humanitarian Library and technical manuals.
Shelter Meeting 23
Shelter Meeting 23 took place on Friday 23rd June, the last day of the ISAC Global Shelter Cluster’s Shelter Week and following the GSC’s Annual Meeting on Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd June 2023.
The most popular Meeting in its history, more than 300 participants registered to attend this meeting, with 120 attendees in-person in Geneva and the majority online, supported by a dedicated online support team. 124 organisations were represented at the Meeting.
The theme of this year’s Meeting was localisation. In total, 27 sessions, panels, and presentations linked to this topic were delivered to participants both online and in-person in Geneva.
Presentations: All presentations from Shelter Meeting 23 are now available on the Humanitarian Library, in the ‘Shelter Meeting 23’ Collection, as part of the Shelter Meeting Channel.
In order for us to know how to improve future Shelter Meetings, we kindly ask you to fill out this online feedback form. This will give you the chance to help shape future Meetings. Please complete the feedback form no later than Friday 21st July 2023 CoB.
If you want to stay informed about the upcoming Shelter Meetings, other sector events and updates, please sign-up to the Shelter Centre newsletter.