Shelter Centre supports
What is the Humanitarian Library?
The Humanitarian Library is designed as a global clearinghouse for regional humanitarian knowledge. As a user-oriented resource, it is designed to be the first reference for both sharing and searching for field-relevant documents. This library was developed by Shelter Centre with funding from USAID/OFDA; the Humanitarian Library is currently supported by project funding through UNOPS. The development builds upon the earlier sectorial ‘Shelter Library’ funded by DFID.
Peer-reviewed guidance
Through peer-reviewing policy and technical guidance, opinions and experience are reflected and future work supported, improving the quality and effectiveness of communication in humanitarian response.
Whereas in the past, guidance has been developed by single agencies, in the shelter and settlements sector we have developed guidance between agencies by using this collaborative approach.
Below is a list of peer-reviewed guidance dating from 2005, that Shelter Centre or its staff have developed or contributed to. All documents can be found on the Humanitarian Library.